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My Blog

My name is Ken Uptegrove, and I am building an Intentional Christian Community that will not fall when the world does.

Where Are the “Safe Areas” in the United States of America?

"ARKS OF SAFETY"—In The USA—The below maps shows the purported location of the five divinely protected areas in the USA, North West Arkansas being one of them. The above two maps show the purported location of five divinely protected areas in the USA, North West...

The Mother of All Conspiracies

WARNINGS FROM HISTORICAL MEN A meltdown into another Great Depression is not only possible, but likely.  There is a conspiracy to bring on a depression.  The Liberals/Socialists policies will cause an economic train wreck and a cashless society.  How are Christians to...

The Ozark Mountains – A Safe Haven

THE NAVY AND NASA HAVE ESTABLISHED THAT IN EVERY PHYSICAL SENSE THE  OZARK PLATEAU IS THE SAFEST PLACE ON EARTH Prophetic History Of Ozark Mountains being a Safe Place The Ozarks (also referred to as Ozarks Mountain Country, and the Ozark Plateau) are...
The Normalcy Bias

The Normalcy Bias

THE NORMALCY BIAS “Normalcy bias refers to the state of mind we enter when facing a disaster. It causes us to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its potential effects. The result is failure to prepare personally. On a larger scale, it can...

Our Concept of Intentional Neighbors

Our Concept of Intentional Neighbors

Our Concept of a Fellowship of Intentional Neighbor When we refer to an Acts Model Christian community, we think in terms of a “Fellowship of Intentional Neighbors” as being farmers (as described above) buying adjacent property, or living within walking distance of...

Prophetic Warnings

Prophetic Warnings

“Prophetic Warnings Are Not Meant to Demoralize You.THEY’RE MEANT TO SAVE YOU!” And for most believers, that’s their take on prophecy. It’s just too negative! Who needs it! Most of us have enough trouble plaguing our lives without having to sit through a sermon on...