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Not So Long From Now… I See Our Beloved United States of America As Lost and Irredeemable

The Bible is replete with history that mirrors the situation in America today. Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel and most of the prophets are clear on this point. We would do well to read these historical narratives again looking specifically for what conditions brought down the judgment of God. And, what brought His mercy. This watchman believes that without the mercy of God this nation is doomed.

It is our responsibility as good citizens to vote responsibly, and as good Christians to pray for our elected officials and our nation. So let’s do that faithfully.

But as students of Bible prophecy we also need to wake up to the fact we are living in the prophetic end-times when the Antichrist system is manifesting itself as the enemy of all we stand for. Scripture makes it clear that Satan does dominate the world for a short time before Jesus comes again and destroys His enemies.

Neither restoring the constitution, stopping abortions and gay rights and gun confiscation, paying off the 17+ trillion dollar national debit, nor revolution can change that. If you are a premillennialist you know this to be true. Face it, we are on the cusp of the Tribulation.

And again I say, there is not enough time left for any other option than to prepare physically, mentally, and especially spiritually for the clear alternative we do have.

Like Issachar, we as Believers need to understand the times and then know what to do about it.

“And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do….” ~1 Chronicles 12:32

For spirit filled Christians that alternative is to prepare for the coming Kingdom of God. Let’s prepare for what God has promised us in His infallible Word. That has always been our mandate since Adam anyhow.

Let us now look at how God would have us to rebuke and counter Satan’s agenda against us in these last days. As you read these six web pages may the Holy Spirit confirm in your heart what He would have you do!

Now lets look at some other incontrovertible truths that our very lives may depend on.

Here is another sure signs we are in the end-times is the prophesied falling away taking place in Christendom today, and there is no reversing that either.

As scripture says:

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first…

~2 Thessalonians 2 (KJV)

8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

~Luke 18:8

1 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

~1 Timothy 4

Another sure prophetic sign that we are in the last days was when Israel became a nation again. God said through His prophets almost 3000 years ago that He would bring them back to their land in the end times to restore it. The nation of Israel has existed since 1948 and it is blooming. (Isaiah 11:13) (Isaiah 68:8) (Ezekiel 36:1, 8, 24) (Ezekiel 37:21)

And there simply is not enough time left before going into the Tribulation to change anything in society anyhow.

If all this is true, then what are we to do? It would make no sense to continue as we have, as if none of this was true.

Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

Think about this quote for a second and ask yourself, does this quote apply to the way you run your life and your ministry today? Are you of the, “If It Ain’t Broke Then Don’t Fix It!” Mentality? Society might just be broke and you haven’t admitted it yet.

So, we need to ask God how He would have us prepare for this prophetic age that precedes the soon coming Tribulation period? These Last Days demand a new approach to the fellowship of God’s people. How do we fellowship? How do we equip the saints? How do we prosper in the worst of bad times?

Is God prompting us (you and me) to prepared physically, mentally and spiritually for this prophetic era we are now in? That is where the covering and protection we will need will come from.

Every military manual, as well as every serious book on survival, talks about the importance of maintaining a positive mental attitude. You must make sure that your survival plans include some means of keeping yourself “UP” emotionally. Otherwise, the you’ll lose the motivation to keep trying. That could be fatal. Being in fellowship in a community of like minded brethren who are centered on Jesus and the Bible will do wonders for your mental health.

Yet in face of these self evident facts most churches aren’t warning or preparing you and me for what MUST come in these uncertain times … most probably BEFORE the Rapture takes place … and most definitely after.

When was the last sermon you heard that addresses in depth the End Days? I know several pastors who are addressing this issue, and hopefully you do to.

The whole world is turning upside down. And yet the question most churches are avoiding — the question most pastors are going out of their way to sidestep — is “What’s the prophetic significance of it all?” What would a prudent man do?

“A prudent man sees evil and hides himself,
The naive proceed and pay the penalty.” Proverbs 27:12

I speak out against all the false doctrines and heresies in the church today. But I seldom speak out any more against corruption in our government and social, cultural and political matters (and best I can tell, neither did Jesus nor His Apostles). But I do vote (for the lesser of two evils it would seem sometimes).

I still love America, my temporal country, and I am not a pacifist, but now days my focus is on the Kingdom that is eternal and on the saints that inhabit that Kingdom; the Kingdom of God. This earth shall pass away but the Kingdom of God is eternal (Rev. 21:1-3).

To be involved in those world arenas is to not help anything that potentially targets God’s saints.

Again; after the 70 weeks of Daniel comes the Millennium … and then eternity. So trying to save our nation and the church in these last days is like trying to put a fire out on a gasoline soaked straw scarecrow. Even if we save it, what will we have?

God lays the blame not at the feet of the wicked world leaders or of the leaders of the false, pseudo-church. God holds the remnant, the true Church, fully accountable for this state of affairs.

So where has the true Church been in all this? Thought you would never ask. The true Church laments the condition of this mighty nation and wonder what has gone wrong. However, we fold our hands, close our eyes, cross our fingers and simply hope things will get better. The church has been fast asleep while Satan has been rocking the cradle.

This watchman now gives the Church what may be the final warning. Return unto God while there is yet time. It is time to put away the pleasures of sin for a season, being caught up in the cares of this life, and being deceived by riches. It is time to BE the representatives of God that we were meant to be.

Only the true Church has direct access to God. Only God can remedy the mess in this nation. This pattern of problem and solution is throughout the entire Bible. Let us look only at what Jesus (our Lord and King) did while He walked the earth. His method of operation, His pattern of living, is abundantly clear. He did nothing on His own and put no confidence in the flesh including His own abilities or those of His disciples, or the religious leaders or Rome. A simple example of this is in John 17:11. Jesus identifies the problem and gives the solution. What is the solution? I come to thee [Holy Father]!

Why have so few believed our report? Could it be because we do not practice what we say we believe? Is it because we see no real faith in God demonstrated in our own lives? I pray not. Nevertheless, I say unto you all, the true Church, turn to God while it is yet day for soon the night comes. Wake up! Clearly see that all these ills befalling America are the judgment of God.

Remember that God’s judgment always comes with mercy. Cry out to God in repentance and seek mercy for this nation (the very people you love). If the true Church will not cry out to Almighty God in this dark hour who will?

So, what are we Christians to do? Has God provided us covering and instructions for these dark, prophetic times?

Yes He has, and we will discuss them in this series of 6 articles.

I urge you not to wait. Start today, right now, right where you are. Set aside some time everyday and intercede for America. God’s hand of love, mercy and grace is stretched out still.

Lets think on these things.

FOOTNOTE: Premillennialism teaches that the Second coming will occur before a literal thousand-year reign of Christ from Jerusalem upon the earth. This view is most often contrasted with Postmillennialism and Amillennialism, otherwise know as Partial Pretersis and Preterist views that basically say the Second coming happened way back in 70 AD.