My Blog
My name is Ken Uptegrove, and I am building an Intentional Christian Community that will not fall when the world does.

Preppers, Survivors, Survivalists and Eschatology
How often have we been brought under conviction by the Holy Spirit for being biased, opinionated, and contemptuous of things we didn’t understand? This being true, it is therefore probable that we are still guilty of other things we need to repent of once the Holy...

Investor Preppers
GATHERING INTO SOME FORM OF COMMUNITY WITH LIKE-MINDED BRETHREN may become essential in our lifetime, because we may be faced with an acceleration of long term disasters; such as a devastating economic collapse (caused by disasters?) that we may never recover from; or...

The Ark Haven Vision
Our vision is to prepare Christians physically, mentally –and especially spiritually– for these prophetic and tumultuous end-times. Thousands are coming to the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas and Missouri (the safest place on earth?). Our “intentional neighbors” concept...