Our vision is to prepare Christians physically, mentally –and especially spiritually– for these prophetic and tumultuous end-times. Thousands are coming to the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas and Missouri (the safest place on earth?). Our “intentional neighbors” concept allows Christians to own adjacent land, and provide mutual aid to our neighbors. Loving our neighbor as ourselves is not just a nice saying. That is what Jesus requires of us.
In this time of social and spiritual breakdown of American society God is calling multitudes of CHRISTIAN PREPPERS to the Ozarks and other safe havens around the world.
To Christian Preppers the “why prepare” has always been to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of Yahweh to all the earth so that all flesh might be saved. Christian Preppers are prepared to survive to serve so that they can spread the gospel.
The “where to prepare” is in safe havens around the world (such as the Ozarks). And the “when to prepare” has always been now… last year! But as we see the prophetic end-times rapidly approaching us, we need to prepare with more intensity.
Just a little concluding thought. If you can not afford a house, you can rent a house. All these things will be discussed in other articles. But feel free to call or email us with your questions.
Hear Kenneth Uptegrove tell this compelling story behind this invitation to like minded Christian Preppers like you. This now popular Christian Community concept is being called… Intentional Neighbors. You will want to hear why this Goshen style … Homesteader style… Patriotic style… of community has been such a big success. Notice how blown away Pastor Dan Catlin is with this concept.